As of right now, I am currently learning Javascript for my Introduction to Software Engineering class. In a span of two days, I had to grind out many lessons on in order learn the basics of this language and ES6. But despite the lengthy time I had to spend doing the lesson challenges and writting down notes, the learning experience was not that all difficult.
The easier learning experience with Javascript has to do with my other learning experiences with other different languages. When I first started learning Java, my first language in highschool, it was all new concepts for me obviously. And after learning to use Java over the course of a whole school year, I felt confident in my ability to grasp programming concepts. However upon learning C++ in my own time over one summer, I really struggled learning the complexities and syntax of it. But after that experience, and every other time I learned a new language with variable complexity, it became much easier to capture what I need to know from the language I am learning from.
My experience with Javascript is no different. The syntax may be different and some features of it do force me to break some habits, it carries many similarities to languages I have learned so far. In fact I would say that it is fairly easier than other languages in some areas like how it handles variables. Though this is coming from my initial impression of it and may be more challenging than I think.
My current thoughts on using Javascript so far with the WODS, challenges given to us students to practice what we have learned, is that I feel a little more comfortable using it. Though currently these challenges are fairly easy, it helps me break habits from using other programming languages. I see the importantance of these practices when it comes to learning Javascript and how this is applicable to other languages. Hopefully later on through this course, I can learn enough about Javascript through both resources and the practice challenges to be able to create proper projects with this language.