The website we have created uses a combination of many tools and languages like HTML, Javascript, React, etc. This allows the site to have both dynamic functionality and good user interfaces. The main goal of the site is to allow users to meet other users, learn more about them, and make contact with each other. That is why features like being able to search users by certain tags or creating Jam Sessions were implemented.
My part of the project involves many things, as my team members and I had many tasks to complete throughout the developing part of the project. But one feature I can highlight that I worked on was the user home page. This page displays a whole list of users. This list can be easily filtered through the use of the search bar and checkbox of tags. A lot of this is possible through Meteor’s ability to create states and refresh the page in an instant.
Since this is my second time ever working on a project with a team, comparing it to my first project, I am glad that we were able to make a more complex software. And this is thanks to the knowledge I gained from ICS 314 on software engineering concepts. I feel more confident in working on these types of projects and hope that I am able to become more skillful in the software engineering process.
To learn more about the project, here is a link to the organization for the project: Project Organization