
Working with a couple team members in Intro to Programming class, we created a game similair to that of Pong. Like Pong, two players control two paddles on opposite sides of the screen. One uses ‘W’ and ‘A’ keys for one paddles, and the other uses the up and down arrow keys. A ball bounces across the screen, being able to reflect of the top and down edges of the screen or off the player’s paddles. The goal is to score enough points by getting the ball to hit the opponent’s side of the screen with the ball.

We separated our project so that each person on our team had a task. For example, one team member may have to write Java code for the scoring. For me, I coded the physics of the ball so that it would bounce off the screen edges and paddles.

Since this was our first programming project. I learned how challenging it can be just to simply create a game. There was a lot of tools I learned to use to create the gaame. Along with this, I learned how important it is to read the documents that compliment APIs.